Posts Tagged with ‘drama’
How do writers come up with character names for their scripts?
13 Jan 2014Could you do more when it comes to naming characters in your scripts? Top of my list of faults are names that are bland, cliché, too similar, or just plain wrong. But how do the top writers do it?
Four simple steps for writing a gripping treatment
06 Feb 2013Do you find it difficult to structure a treatment so that it grips the reader as strongly as the full…
Give your flashbacks the kiss of life
09 Jul 2012There are a thousand myths about flashbacks in scripts. Some people say you shouldn’t ever write them. Some people say…
A Clever, Sneaky Way To Hide Exposition
26 May 2011The ability to handle exposition really sorts the professionals from the wannabes, and I'm going to share one of my top exposition techniques with you here.
How not to sell your script
14 Jan 2011Last night I got a call from a company who I’d bought from before. The previous time, I spent good…
Writers’ Resolutions
30 Dec 2010Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? To start that script? Or finish it? To start selling the novel you…
How to make a drama out of a story
20 Sep 2010Having a problem writing a drama script? Do you find it's full of wonderful character development but somehow it just doesn't come together? Or you like it but your story isn't getting across to the people who read it?
Write treatments with style
01 Sep 2010I've written before that good screenwriters often get tangled up writing treatments. One major reason is that they are simply using the wrong style.
Sometimes the work goes slowly
27 Aug 2010Back from holiday, ready to get back to the writing and everything slowed down. I felt ill, my back hurt, I was lethargic, my head spun, my brain felt full of fog. I had a hundred reasons for why I couldn't get down to it.
Writing Tip For Creating Rich and Surprising Characters
28 Jul 2010I've got many ways that I use when I'm stuck, some wonderful tools for character development that I've picked up over the years. Here's a very simple method which can have very profound and surprising results.