Recommended books for writers
There are thousands of recommended books for writers, most for beginners, rather fewer for the more advanced. All aim to help writers, and the best writing books actually do that.
But however good you are, you can’t learn enough and as you read more, the more you own the subject itself.
Try this – my personal list of the very best.
Recommended books for writers
Alternative Writing
Basic Rules
First Draft Writing
Novel Writing
Psychology for Writers
Writing for TV
If you want to save time and go straight to my Top 6 All-time Favourite recommended books for writers, click here
The Art of Adaptation: Turning Fact and Fiction into Film – Linda Seger (Henry Holt & Co). One of the few books that concentrate specifically on adaptations. Excellent.
Screening the Novel – Gabriel Miller (Ungar). Compares 8 US films with their source novels – interesting and thought-provoking critical study.
Graham Greene: The Films of his Fiction – Gene Phillips (Teachers College Press). Insights into the changes that take place when adapting.
Alternative Writing
Alternative Scriptwriting – Ken Dancyger and Jeff Rush (Focal Press). Probing and advanced thoughts on the rules and how (and why) to break them.
The Art of Fiction (Notes on Craft for Young Writers) – John Gardner (Vintage Books). Although this is aimed at short story and novel writing, this book contains considerable insights into the craft and art of creating stories and characters, style, genre and other issues that are very relevant to screenwriters. Intermediate to advanced.
Basic Rules
The 21st Century Screenplay – Linda Aronson (Allen & Unwin). This excellent and practical book covers both the basics for beginners and the non-basics for more advanced writers, starting with the very starting point and talking you through the traditional forms and then on to non-linear. Review
Making a Good Script Great – Linda Seger (Samuel French) One of the classic texts on editing and redrafting.
Plot (Element of Fiction Writing) – Ansen Dibell (Writers’ Digest Books) Deals primarily with short stories and novels, but is eminently applicable to screenwriting. Good on subplot, balance and exposition.
Story – Robert McKee (Methuen). The guru’s guru. McKee’s book is one of the most frequently recommended books for writers, but is better than some of his critics would have it, and very strong on key elements of storytelling and scene construction. Better for editing a draft, though, than getting the words onto the page.
Screenwriting for Narrative Film and Television – William Miller (Hastings House) Looks at the basic rules and touches on some of the alternative approaches.
The UnderstructureWriting Screenplays That Sell – Michael Hauge (Elm Tree Books) Good for character analysis.
The Art and Science of Screenwriting – Philip Parker (Intellect). Some very good sections, with material on different genres, but its rather dry, scientific style might prove hard work for some writers.
First Draft Writing
Writing Down the Bones and Wild Mind – Natalie Goldberg (Shambala) First-draft writing – how to get it on the page. Two of my most regularly recommended books for writers who are stuck trying to get started.
Alternative Scriptwriting: Rewriting the Hollywood Formula: Successfully Breaking the Rules – Ken Dancyger and Jeff Rush (Focal Press). This probing book on the rules and how (and why) to break them is one of the very few to deal with genre in any depth at all.
The Art of Fiction (Notes on Craft for Young Writers) – John Gardner (Vintage Books). Although this is aimed at short story and novel writing, this book contains considerable insights into the craft and art of creating stories and characters, style, genre and other issues that are very relevant to screenwriters.
Hollywood Cinema – Richard Maltby (Blackwell) – chapter on genre.
Seeing is Believing – Peter Biskind (Pluto Press) – subtitled “How Hollywood Taught us to stop Worrying and love the Fifties” this is a fascinating analysis of how different genres (from gangster and western to melodrama) can be adapted to different political ends.
Novel Writing
How to Read a Novelist – John Freeman (Corsair). Conversations with top novelists by a top critic. From Grass and Murakami to Doris Lessing and Jonathan Franzen, fascinating insights into their lives and their craft.
Nabokov’s Favourite Word is Mauve – Ben Blatt (Simon & Schuster). A gem, this book tests out the old wives’ tales of writing, such do the most successful books really not open with the weather, which bestselling author uses the most clichés and do the best writers really use fewer adverbs?
Reading Like a Writer – Francine Prose (Union Books). An inspiring and insightful book on the joys of close reading. She takes us from the detail of well-made sentences through constructing paragraphs to character, dialogue and even use of gesture – with much discussion of the greats.
Psychology for Writers
Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman (Bloomsbury). Masterful insights into the role of the emotions in decision-making, maturity and life in general.
Focusing – Eugene T. Glendlin (Bantam New Age). How to use your inner feelings as a guide to making key decisions.
Frogs into Princes – Richard Bandler and John Grindler (Real People Press). A good introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Games People Play – Eric Berne (Penguin Books). The definitive book on how people screw up by taking on unconscious roles to play.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections – CJ Jung (Fontana). The great-grandaddy. Cut out the middle-men and go straight to the man who started all this stuff about archetypes, heroes, etc.
Use Your Head – Tony Buzan (BBC Publications). The grandaddy of them all: how to use your brain better. Very practical.
Amazon’s Used & New links are a surprisingly useful source of remarkably cheap scripts of all kinds. Either search for the screenplay you want or browse the full selection.
Ask for the Moon and Get it! The secret of getting what you want by knowing how to ask – Percy Ross with Dick Samson (GP Putnam’s Sons). Another one of the thousand, in this case a more personal angle on selling yourself.
The Movie Game, The Film Business in Britain, Europe and America – Martin Dale (Cassell) A good overview of the way films are made and marketed around the world. But beware, any book will be partly out of date by the time it is printed!
The Tao of Sales, The Easy Way to Sell in Tough Times – E. Thomas Behr (Element). One of a thousand books on selling. Almost any of them will do the job, but this one has a nice non-aggressive flavour to it, as befits the title.
Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook – (A&C Black) – vital reference works for TV and film companies, agents, publishers, magazines together with useful advice sections.
Writing for TV
Made for Television: Euston Films Limited – by
Writing for Television: Series, Serials and Soaps – Yvonne Grace (Kamera Books). A very solid introduction to the world of the professional TV writer from a highly experienced award-winning screenwriter and producer. My review
Anna Kumacheva said:
October 31, 2017 at 5:44 pm
Thank you for this list. Just wanted to say that some of the links are not working anymore.
Charles Harris said:
November 1, 2017 at 5:40 pm
Hi Anna
Thank you – yes, thank you. I’m glad you like it. You’re right about the links. Amazon changed its system, ruining all my links. I’m in the middle of bringing them up-to-date and hope to get them all working again as soon as possible.
Best wishes
Derek Wright said:
October 19, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Thank you for sharing a great list. This is very helpful article specially for writers
Charles Harris said:
October 19, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Thank you, Derek. And do feel free to suggest any additions.
ollylorainne said:
December 1, 2023 at 5:31 pm
Thank you so much for this list it was so helpful.
Charles Harris said:
December 1, 2023 at 7:06 pm
Thank you. And feel free to suggest any more that you feel could be helpful.