Posts Tagged with ‘Amazon’
Are you IC7 or maybe an angler?
07 Dec 2021ARE YOU IC7 OR AN ANGLER? So you come across a police cordon on your way from the tube station.…
Liam Glass #1 bestseller in Amazon mass media
26 Nov 2021LIAM GLASS #1 BESTSELLER A quick one today, to celebrate my award-shortlisted satire The Breaking of Liam Glass reaching the…
19 Jun 2019Openings It was like they weren’t there. This is the opening sentence of my novel The Breaking of Liam Glass.…
Has Amazon deleted your reviews?
04 Apr 2019Has Amazon deleted your reviews? A few weeks ago I wrote a blog in which I said how important reviews…
Bookstore rage: How I came close to losing my temper with an indie bookshop manager
29 Nov 2017Yesterday I came close to inflicting serious verbal damage on an indie bookshop manager. I’d very much like to know…