boy and TV Novel Marketing


No book or film reviews today. This week I’m talking about pitching a book or film with Thomas Umstattd Jr, who runs the outstanding Novel Marketing podcast.

His podcast is, he assures me, the longest-running novel marketing podcast in the world. It’s also one of the best.

This is for you if you’re a writer who wants help selling a book or film. Or a readers or viewer wanting to convince a friend to read a book or watch a programme you liked.

Or indeed a book group member, trying to persuade fellow members which book to read next.

The episode is called How to Convince Readers to Read Your Book Next and you can listen to it now. Or if you prefer you can read the transcript here. You can also download a free workbook on pitching books and films based on the ideas in my book Jaws in Space: Powerful Pitching.

Blood Gold and Oil

In other news, if you’re in London or can get here, check out a new play – Blood Gold and Oil.

An archaeologist sets up an exhibition of archaeological finds from the Great Arab Revolt. But as she does, her unconscious passions summon up the ghost of Lawrence of Arabia.

It’s written by Jan Woolf, a good friend of mine and a very interesting writer. Well worth your time.

25 – 30 April 2023 – Upstairs at the Gatehouse, Highgate, North London. Tickets and information.

Come and chat at London Book Fair

Finally, if you’re planning to be at this year’s London Book Fair, come and have a chat over a cup of tea.

You can catch me at the Society of Authors stand between 3 and 4pm next Wednesday April 19th. But I’m also around for much of the Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at other times. Email me and let’s meet and talk books.