Posts Tagged with ‘voice’
How to make your script editor-friendly
19 Aug 2013A big welcome to experienced producer, script-editor and writer Yvonne Grace, who drops in from to talk about the…
8 ways to make your characters come vividly to life
14 Jun 2013To create living, interesting characters, you need to draw on your experience of life, and add to it. Or to put it another way, bring us your unique take on people. Here are 8 ways to help you do exactly that.
Four simple steps for writing a gripping treatment
06 Feb 2013Do you find it difficult to structure a treatment so that it grips the reader as strongly as the full…
Losing faith in your work?
22 Mar 2012Losing faith in your work happens to the best writers - and it can be lethal. The story starts to feel flat. The emotions false. The scenes mechanical. Soon you wonder what you even saw in the idea.
Three Tips for Writing Treatments
05 Feb 2012Writing a good, compelling, readable treatment is tough. It's difficult enough to write a script - but then to boil the whole thing down from 90+ pages to one or two...! However it's a crucial part of a screenwriter's job. Here are three of my top tips.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Screenwriter
22 Sep 2011I have a soft spot for Le Carré and I went to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy with certain trepidation.…
Why do we call them Screen – Plays?
03 Jun 2011Want your script to stand out from the crowd? Want it to be read from cover to cover and passed…
Want to enjoy writing treatments – find your voice
04 Feb 2011It's true screenplays don't offer a great variety of style or voice - but that doesn't apply to treatments, synopses and outlines. There are far fewer style rules for such outlines of your story.
Sometimes the work goes slowly
27 Aug 2010Back from holiday, ready to get back to the writing and everything slowed down. I felt ill, my back hurt, I was lethargic, my head spun, my brain felt full of fog. I had a hundred reasons for why I couldn't get down to it.