Posts Tagged with ‘psychology’
What I learned from the World Cup
21 Jun 2018Bored with the World Cup? Take another look. Football has probably taught me more about people and psychology than anything…
Fire Up Your Writing Career
06 Mar 2013Here's a psychological tool to help with focusing your writer's mind - dealing with issues such as procrastination and self-sabotage, and staying creative.
Losing faith in your work?
22 Mar 2012Losing faith in your work happens to the best writers - and it can be lethal. The story starts to feel flat. The emotions false. The scenes mechanical. Soon you wonder what you even saw in the idea.
Stuck? A simple way to get your work moving.
09 Mar 2012Here's a deceptively simple method for literally getting your work to move forwards - but don't be fooled. Like many simple ideas it can be profoundly useful. It works for all kinds of screenwriting, and other creative work, and also for problems in directing and producing.