Archive for the ‘Pitching’ Category
3 Ways to Make Sure Your Script Stands Out
09 Jan 2013Despite what most writers think, most scripts fail to sell not because they are too different, but because they are…
How to ask
27 Jan 2012A very quick post, linking to an excellent article by my good friend Chris Jones – indie film-maker and one…
One question that will help you sell your script
03 Jul 2011What is the key question you need to ask to sell your script? The right question follows soon. First here's the wrong question.
Pitching: What’s Love Got To Do With It?
08 Apr 2011Where do you fit the emotion into the cold hard-nosed job of pitching?
Plan now for Cannes
09 Mar 2011Cannes is the biggie: a week at Cannes is worth a year at film school. And there's things you'll learn there that you'll never learn at school. But if you're going this year, you need to start preparing now. My biggest tip is this. Don't underestimate the value of the work you do during this time.
A Sure-Fire Way Not To Sell Your First Script
12 Oct 2010I see loads of well-written scripts (and a fair load of badly written scripts too) and I've seen just about every fault that writers have ever invented. But there's one flaw that stands out as being the real killer.
Power Pitching Tips 2
29 Apr 2010Here's a strange thought. When most people pitch their projects, the question they never ask themselves is why.
Money, Money, Money…
04 Feb 2010I want to talk about a small strategy that may seem simple and yet if you use it has the power to push the sales of your scripts/films/novels/etc through the roof. It's one that's so easy it almost feels like cheating and yet when it's done well it's highly artistic and connects very directly with your audience.
Ultra-short Pitching Competition – The Answers
12 Jan 2010A few days ago, I wrote about the industry's most famous pitch - a mere three words - "Jaws in Space." It was the original pitch for Alien. And I promised to tell you about a two word and a one word pitch - the only ones I know of.
Power Pitching Tips
09 Jan 2010Can you imagine being able to grab the attention of industry professionals in just a few words? Actually, that's an essential if you want to succeed as a writer, director or producer in film or TV. It's the first and most important tip: