#IndieAuthorChat Nov 19 & book offer
14 Thursday Nov 2019
Written by Charles Harris in Books, Industry, Networking, Technique, Training
Book offer

Christmas is coming and the first presents are on their way.
First, I’m hosting a free Twitter chat next Tuesday November 19 at 8pm GMT (find the time in your own time zone).
Second, to go with the event, my publisher has generously reduced my novel The Breaking of Liam Glass to a ridiculously low price for the week November 17 to 24.
Free #IndieAuthorChat
The Twitter chat is free to join. We’ll be talking about all kinds of issues relating to books, readers, authors, small publishers, self-publishing and doubtless much else. Just search for #IndieAuthorChat.
You can do this most easily using Tweetdeck, opening a column for #IndieAuthorChat, or more specialist apps. Or you can just search for it on Twitter.
It would be great to hear from you during the session. Just remember to add the hashtag #IndieAuthorChat to anything you tweet.
Special book offer
To go alongside the event, Mark Turner at Marble City Publishing has very generously offered to reduce my novel The Breaking of Liam Glass. Instead of its normal hard copy price of $13.99/£11.99, you’ll be able to buy it for $9.86/£8.20.
And instead of $4.99/£3.99, you’ll be able to get the e-book for a ridiculously low 99c/99p.
This book offer will only last from 17th to 24th November, so take advantage of it while you can. Buy online from Amazon or Not Amazon.
Buy it for yourself, or for a friend. It would make a great stocking-filler.
Christmas presents

While you’re thinking about buying Christmas presents, allow me to recommend some of my other books. One of the most popular is my little gift book on Police Slang.
Coming out of research I conducted for Liam Glass and my second novel, which is on its way, this little book reveals how the police see the world – with a sharp and often very funny satirical wit.
Some of my favourites include the police slang for a yellow Hi-viz jacket – SQJ – or Stupid Question Jacket – because when you put it on, someone comes and asks you a stupid question.
And their name for civilian community police support officers – CHIMPS. Or Can’t Help In Most Police Situations.
Astound your friends with your knowledge, understand what they are really saying on police cop shows, drop the odd piece of slang into your conversation (or your writing).
Police Slang costs a mere £2.50 – postage included.
Free books

And finally, while we’re discussing bargains, check out The Prolific Reader.
This excellent website hosts links to all kinds of free e-books in a wide range of genres. And I don’t just recommend them because they offer my book of short stories, The Cupboard.
Go and have a look.
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