How you can use not knowing to write better scripts
10 Sunday Jun 2012
Written by Charles Harris in Psychology, Training
The strange realisation hit me the other day: the more I write, the less sure I become about all my theories about writing. One day, with luck, I’ll be sure about nothing at all.
This is not an argument for ignorance. In fact, it’s ignorant writers who are sure they know everything. It never ceases to amaze me how full of certainty some inexperienced writers can be about their craft. When I started writing, I too thought I knew everything about how to write. Then as I got further into it, I discovered how much more I needed to learn.
Now, every week I find the more I write, the less I know. Page by page, my certainties disappear.
This may sound a very strange thing for someone who also teaches writers to say. But actually, I think it’s very important.
Take planning a treatment. I used to sweat for months planning my stories in precise detail and then trying to write that detail into the script. Then I found that the less I remembered the plan, the better the writing became.
This is not an argument for not planning and not writing treatments. Quite the reverse.
Paradoxically, it is only by planning and researching the best possible treatment that I can write the script with true freedom. A half worked-out synopsis nags at the mind, distracting me. Only with a fully thought-out treatment can I relax and write… as if I really don’t know what happens next.
Actor Mark Rylance said recently that one of the key challenges of acting is in forgetting what happens next. I believe that applies to writers too.
Know your story inside out – then write as if you don’t.
Strange irony.
The same applies to all the other screenwriting skills – from structure to character development.
Learn them so deeply you can forget and write as if you don’t know.
June 10, 2012 at 11:58 pm
As always an interesting and challenging post. I only wish I could come on your course. Maybe we could organise one in Australia. 🙂
June 29, 2012 at 7:15 pm
Wayne, I’d love to run a course down your way. Just say the word – Charles