Posts Tagged with ‘treatment’
How to land a top star and the BBC with one treatment
13 Sep 2011Most people hate writing treatments. Not me, I love them. This is how I used a treatment to hook a top star comedian and the BBC in just five pages - and how you can too.
How long should your treatment be?
25 Aug 2011I've been running my Exciting Treatments workshop for over ten years now, and one of the first questions I'm asked is alway, How long is a treatment supposed to be?
Get it rite, not written
01 Apr 2011Most people understand if a few typos or stylistic solecisms slip through in an email or (perish the thought) in a blog post. These are informal media. But a treatment or script is different. Unlike other forms of writing, they can easily contain hidden traps.
23 Feb 2011Newspapers tell us that women are better at it than men. Men tell us they are just as good really. Neurologists tell us that there's no such thing - is multitasking the answer to our creative problems?
Want to enjoy writing treatments – find your voice
04 Feb 2011It's true screenplays don't offer a great variety of style or voice - but that doesn't apply to treatments, synopses and outlines. There are far fewer style rules for such outlines of your story.
Write treatments with style
01 Sep 2010I've written before that good screenwriters often get tangled up writing treatments. One major reason is that they are simply using the wrong style.
Writing Treatments – Get Out Of First Gear
20 Jan 2010Treatments are essential both for developing and for marketing your scripts - and yet many good screenwriters fail to write good treatments. It took me a long time to realise why.